UG777 Privacy Policy: How Your Data is Handled

The platform is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of all data collected by the platform. This privacy policy details what the platform collects, how the platform protects all the data collected by the platform, how the platform uses the data, and what the platform’s responsibilities are regarding the security of said data.

UG777 Privacy Policy: How Your Data is Handled

The UG777 privacy policy is essential to ensure that the platform will be able to secure the data collected from all registered users in the platform. This is in response to the prevalence data thefts and data breaches that compromise the security of different collected data.

What is UG777 ’s Privacy Policy?

What is UG777's Privacy Policy

UG777’s privacy policy addresses what manner of data the platform collects and how it utilizes and protects them. All users must understand this to be able to stay secure in knowing that the platform prioritizes the security of their data and that no user will need to fear of getting their  accounts compromised, identities stolen, and login credentials phished.

What Data Does UG777 Casino Collect?

What Data Does UG777 Casino Collect

VIPPH collects the following information during the registration and verification process:

  • Username
  • Mobile Number
  • Full Name
  • Birthdate
  • Banking Method
  • Banking Method Account Number

How Does UG777 Use Collected User Data?

The platform primarily utilizes all data collected during the registration and verification process to confirm the user’s identity and verify that the registered user is an actual live human. This is done to help mitigate the risk of fake accounts being made and duplicate accounts created to take advantage of the platform’s bonuses or commit illegal activities using fake accounts.

How Does UG777 Use Collected User Data?

The platform also collects cookies which the platform then uses to be able to improve its services, with personalized services in mind. Any page that receives very little activity or any section that sees little interaction will either be optimized to improve user retention or omitted to better focus on services more frequented by registered users. This can then help in improving the site’s overall performance by cutting out the chaff and focusing more on worthwhile areas.

How Does UG777 Protect Collected Data?

The platform utilizes both 128-bit data encryption and firewalls to secure all data collected in the platform. The relevant staff is also trained to root out any suspicious activities while also maintaining restrictive access to prevent internal sabotage through inside jobs.

How Does UG777 Protect Collected Data?

Should data breaches occur, the platform will notify all registered users of the breach to give them time to change their login credentials for either their casino accounts or for any other accounts that use the same login credentials.